Friday 27 May 2016

Things in the library 27 May

If you are having a break from work next week have a lovely time...
if not we will be here Tuesday to Friday next week 
8:45 - 19:00 Tues and Thurs and 8:45 - 17:00 on Wed and Fri

Things for NHS staff ...
NHS staff now have access to Cochrane Clinical Answers. this covers 32 Clinical Specialties and provides a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from the Cochrane Review. The evidence is displayed in a user friendly format, mixing narrative, numbers and graphics. The target audience for Cochrane Clinical Answers is healthcare practitioners and professionals, and other informed health care decision-makers.

Things about Crohn's disease...
A updated NICE guideline was published in May. This guideline covers the management of Crohn’s disease in children, young people and adults. It aims to reduce people’s symptoms and maintain or improve their quality of life. In May 2016, a new recommendation on inducing remission was added.

Things about clinical research...
The National Institute for Health Research and Leeds University have teamed up to offer a free online course titled “Improving Healthcare through Clinical Research”.  The course starts on 6th June and runs for 6 weeks and is open to anyone interested in this subject area.

Things about psychosis and schizophrenia in children... 
Another NICE guideline updated. This guideline covers recognising and managing psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people. It aims to improve early recognition of psychosis and schizophrenia so that children and young people can be offered the treatment and care they need to live with the condition.
In May 2016, a new recommendation was added on providing information about olanzapine when choosing antipsychotic medication for children and young people with a first episode of psychosis.

Things about gardens...

Chelsea flower show is this week the theme of this year's show is the health and well-being benefits of greening-up our grey spaces The King's Fund have published a report Gardens and health: implications for policy and practice. The Greening Grey Britain is an RHS call to action to get the nation to transform hard, cold grey areas into planted-up beautiful places, to improve lives and help the environment. It is good to see that the Garden for Yorkshire inspired by the medieval Great East Window at York Minster won a Silver medal - stone masons from the Minster were working on the project.

Things for people with allergies...

The Chelsea Flower Show includes an exhibit by The Royal College of Pathologists which highlights the importance of the link between plant pollen and allergic disorders such as seasonal allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. The exhibit,  focussing on low allergen plants, enables those with respiratory allergy to enjoy being in the garden, whilst reducing their triggers and managing their symptoms more effectively. The low allergy garden includes Papaver, Hosta, Trachelospermum, jasminoides, Rosemary and Thyme

Things about suicide...
Bereavement, bullying, exams and physical health conditions such as acne and asthma are some of the experiences linked to suicide in children and young people according to a new report by The University of Manchester’s National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness (NCISH). The full report can be downloaded here. This is the first time there has been a national study of suicide in children and young people in England on this scale.
The researchers found that 28% of the young people who died had been bereaved, in 13% there had been a suicide by a family member or friend. 36% had a physical health condition such as acne or asthma, and 29% were facing exams or exam results when they died. Four died on the day of an exam, or the day after.

Things for half-term... 
Lots of ideas of things to go to in the local area if you have children at home next week.

Things partly about food..
I am off to Denmark soon to take part in the opening of a memorial to commemorate all those that lost their lives in the Battle of Jutland 100 years ago. Hoping to sample lots of fish and also real Danish pastries! If you fancy trying some new Nordic cuisine and having a bit of a Masterchef moment over the long weekend why not try some of the recipes with chocolate and cranberries sounds wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. ****STOP PRESS**** The Garden for Yorkshire won the People's choice award
