Friday 28 October 2016

Things in the library 28 Oct ...

Things about cystic fibrosis...
You may have heard in the news this morning about new drugs for Cystic Fibrosis. This relates to 12 abstracts presented yesterday (27 Oct 2016) at the North American CF Conference. You can see the official press release from the sponsoring pharmaceutical company here and the details of the Clinical Advances in Cystic Fibrosis Research sessions here.

Things about autism...
Also in the news this week has been the impact of early intervention in children with severe autism. This programme of treatment aimed to mainly focus on the parents, who were trained to pick up on communication cues from their child, which are usually much more subtle than in other children. The original article can be read freely online here. The Behind the Headlines analysis states
"This study seems to provide some much-needed good news for parents of children with autism, and has been welcomed by experts and campaigners. However, the lack of statistical significance of some of the results mean we can't be sure the findings are reliable....However, most [experts] seem to think that the results are promising, especially for an intervention that does not require the intensive time and commitment of some other autism treatments."

Things about Familial Hypercholesterolemia screening...
Child–parent screening for familial hypercholesterolemia has been proposed to identify persons at high risk for inherited premature cardiovascular disease. The preview of the article can be accessed here and if you sign in with your NHS Open Athens account you can access the full text. A discussion of the issues from Behind the Headlines can be found here.

Things about Professional Qualifications...
The Dept of Health has just published a response to 'Consultation on the transposition of the revised Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications' a European Directive. In their conclusion they state "Concerns have been expressed that the Directive unduly constrains the ability of regulatory bodies to carry out robust checks of both the clinical and language skills of health professionals from the EEA seeking to practice in the UK. The Governments is mindful of these concerns, and the UK’s decision to exit the European Union will provide an opportunity to review the adequacy of checks on the skills and competence of overseas health professionals that are currently carried out."

Things about medical education...
The GMC have published their 'The state of medical education and practice in the UK report: 2016'. This is their sixth annual report about the state of medical education and practice. They consider some of the current challenges facing the profession and the systems in which it works. They also look at how the make-up of the profession continues to change.
They have published an extensive online resource of the GMC’s registration, education and fitness to practise data. By publishing this information, they aim to promote discussion and debate about some of the practical steps they and others could take in better supporting doctors and improving patient care.

How we can help to alleviate stress...

It is National Stress Awareness Day on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 so we thought we would remind you that the library has colouring sheets and crayons available for you to come and use whenever we are open. We also provide comfy chairs and sell drinks and chocolate biscuits if you need to get away from your work environment for a break. Our selection of Leisure reading includes many books from the Mood Boosting selections as well as Quick Reads.

Things about the NHS and a vision for it future...

NHS five year forward view: a progress report Two years on from the publication of the NHS five year forward view, the King's Fund assess how much progress has been made and what still needs to be done to align policies with the plan.

Things cobwebby...
As the end of the month and the end of Bake off are in my mind (along with plenty of cobwebs!) I thought you might like to combine the two events with this creepy cake!

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