Friday 3 March 2017

Things in the library 3 March

Things to chat about, wind down and relax with...
Inspired by World Book Day this week we are thinking we might start a Leisure Reading Book Club to meet in the library. We need to gauge interest first though, so if you think this is something you would enjoy please fill in our online form.

Things about research with children...

The objective of this analysis was to examine ethical issues in research with children and adolescents from their perspective as participants, including: assent, parental consent, risk perception, impact of research participation, and incentives. This systematic review highlights the importance of including the voice of children and adolescents in the debate regarding the ethical conduct of research.

Things about ears...
A recent review article on 'Acute otitis media with spontaneous tympanic membrane perforation'. The principal aim of this review is to present the current knowledge regarding acute otitis media (AOM) with spontaneous tympanic membrane perforation (STMP) and to address the question of whether AOM with STMP is a disease with specific characteristics or a severe case of AOM.

Things about Autism...
A parent-focused therapy for young children with autism continues to have beneficial effects on symptoms and communication almost six years after the end of treatment. This UK randomised controlled trial investigated the effects of a one-year social communication therapy in 152 UK children aged two to four years with severe autism. The therapy, partly delivered by parents, aimed to help them adapt their style of interacting with their child.Children who received the intervention had less severe symptoms at the end of the initial one-year intervention period than those who received treatment as usual. When these children were followed up nearly six years later at age seven to 11 years, children who had received the intervention still had less severe symptoms than those who had received usual care. When all the data from both time points were combined, the intervention had a statistically significant overall beneficial effect.This therapy, which is less intensive than some existing approaches, may be an option for young children with autism, although the cost effectiveness is not known.

Things about food...
Food Insecurity (FI)  [the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.] occurs in 21% of families with children and adolescents in the United States, but the potential developmental and behavioral implications of this prevalent social determinant of health have not been comprehensively elucidated. This systematic review aims to examine the association between FI and childhood developmental and behavioral outcomes in western industrialized countries.

Things that are short ...
ScHARR (School of Health and Related Research) have a new programme of short courses available including these below click here for more information

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Short Course
Tuesday, 4th - Thursday, 6th April 2017
Instant Evidence Based Medicine: How to quickly synthesise research.
Tuesday, 9th May 2017
Rapid Review Methods
Thursday, 19th May 2017

Things about serious case reviews...
Learning from serious case reviews on harmful sexual behaviour.The NSPCC has published a summary of the risk factors and learning from serious case reviews involving harmful sexual behaviour (HSB). Learning identified includes: HSB should be recognised as a potential indicator that the child has experienced abuse; professionals should work together to identify the reasons behind a child’s behaviour and consider the appropriate safeguarding responses.

Things to discover...
Discovery Night  (Friday 10 March 2017 4pm-8pm) opens the University’s laboratories and lecture theatres to the public for an evening of science for the whole family. There’ll be talks, exciting demonstrations and hands on activities for visitors of all ages. Find out about everything from astronomy to zoology, from dentistry to zebrafish. Tour the facilities, put on a lab coat and have a go yourself. Everyone welcome and the event is free – no booking required.

Things with left-overs...
Having a roast chicken this weekend?  This recipe for Chicken Parmentier looks lovely to use up cooked chicken and mashed potatoes

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