Friday 19 October 2018

Things in the library 19th Oct...

Things about Child Health...
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has published Child health in 2030 in England: comparisons with other wealthy countries.  This report uses long-term historical data to project outcomes for children and young people’s health in 2030. The report concludes that whilst England is middle of the pack for some outcomes, on the majority England is likely to fall further behind other wealthy countries over the next decade.

Things about technology...
The Dept of Health & Social Care have issued a policy paper on The future of healthcare: our vision for digital, data and technology in health and care.
"Technology systems used daily across hospitals, GP surgeries, care homes, pharmacies and community care facilities don’t talk to each other, fail frequently and do not follow modern cyber security practices. As a result, some people are getting suboptimal care, staff are frustrated and money could be saved and released for the front line. Just being able to make the best use of mainstream products and services would transform health and social care in this country.
But it’s not just about getting the current systems to work better – our ambition should be for the use of the best technology available for the NHS and social care sector. The potential of cutting-edge technologies to support preventative, predictive and personalised care is huge."
The document covers guiding and architectural principles and the priorities for Infrastructure, digital services, Innovation, skills and culture. They have set up an online questionnaire for you to provide comments and feedback on the vision. The main audience for this will be innovators and suppliers of digital technology, health and care providers, and other organisations in the sector. However, anyone with an interest is welcome to share their views.

Things about FGM...
The Department for Education, the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Home Office have updated the Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation.

Things about society...
The Festival of Social Sciences takes place in Sheffield 3-10 November...there are free events for all ages and interests, including talks, debates, performances, exhibitions and immersive experiences. Everything from a walking a tour of the Sheffield Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) to learn about Sheffield’s heat network  (deep underneath our city are 44 kilometres of pipework which carry hot water to hundreds of buildings to keep them heated) to multi-generational living.

Things about vulnerable babies...
A report published this week by the Children’s Commissioner for England, suggests there are 15,800 babies under the age of 1 considered by local authorities to be vulnerable or highly vulnerable and at risk of harm, but still living at home. The report, ‘A Crying Shame’ looks at how many babies might be vulnerable to severe harm.

Things to read...
Our next reading group is on 7th November where we will be talking about a ghost story written in  Henry James book 'Turn of the Screw'. All welcome 17:15 for about 1 hour in Illingworth library...refreshments provided.

Things to eat...
I think this Chicken & leek filo pie looks lovely and can use up left over roast chicken if that is what you are planning for the weekend.

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