Friday 3 April 2020

Things back in the library...

Things about our COVID19 free zone...

The Library, F Floor, Stephenson Wing (Grey lifts) has been set up as a‘COVID conversation-free zone’, where you can spend your breaks or just take a breather. It does not have views over Weston park...despite what the Trust's well-being email said....but will be supplying staff with free hot drinks and biscuits and has  lots of natural light for those of you who work in windowless environments.We will also have our colouring sheets out.
Please do wash your hands before entering and when leaving (there are toilet facilities directly in front of the lifts) and maintain the usual social distancing rules when in there.  This space will be available from Monday and will be open 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Things about reading group...
We successfully met via a Google Hangout on Wednesday evening. The book to be reading for the May meeting on 6th May is Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, careful there are several books with this title.  If you don't normally take part in Reading Group perhaps now is the time to start. I expect we will meet via Hangout at 6.15 but please email the library and ask to be out on the mailing list if you want to be kept informed. You will have to provide your own drink and nibbles!

Things virtual...
Blackwell's Bookshop has launched a three-week virtual book festival.   All events will take place on Twitter @blackwellbooks use #BlackwellsVF with live discussions with authors and the opportunity to ask questions. Today's event at 4pm will be ‘Me Not You – The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism’ by Alison Phipps.

Things we can still do...
We are managing to do one to one training on most of our Book a Librarian topic. Feel free to request a session and we will work out a way to do this with you if we can. If there are a few of you wanting the same training and we can all get together at the same time that will make it more efficient. If you need to contact us for anything please use the library emails rather than our individual ones, this is so that whoever is 'on duty' can answer the emails and avoids unnecessary duplication of work.

Things for disabled children...
Contact, the charity for families with disabled children, has updated its advice and support page with information relating to Coronavirus. The webpage includes information on: children with complex health needs; coronavirus and children’s education; and coping at home. The Council for Disabled Children has published an open letter from the Children and Families Minister to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, their parents, families and others who support them signposting guidance published over the past week

Things to help with working @home...
Remember to take breaks away from the computer and regular walks around the house or garden. Also bear in mind the times when you are naturally more alert and those times when you flag a little. This article from Evernote is helpful in suggesting '4 Ways to Stay Focused and Get Stuff Done'.

Also if you are starting to gather some emails or documents that you can't do anything about until you are properly back at work then set up a 'Post Covid19' folder or label in your file structure so you can park things there . That way you won't keep looking at them in your inbox but you will easily be able to find them all in one place when we are working normally again. Ask us if you need help with this.

Things for children who are anxious...
The NSPCC's library have put together a collection of 25 book titles for children who are worried or anxious, you can see them listed on their library catalogue. You won't be able to access the books from here but many will be available to buy online.
The NSPCC also have some suggestions and links if you're worried a child may be struggling with their mental health or has anxiety about coronavirus.
The children's commissioner has created a children’s guide to coronavirus to help explain the situation. The guide aims to answer children’s questions about coronavirus, tell children how to stay safe and protect other people and how to help them make the best of their time at home.

Things to eat...
Not one specific recipe this week but a link to some store cupboard recipes .

Things even further away from the library...
I am about to go on holiday for two weeks - sadly no further than my garden now but those dandelions don't know what is about to hit excuses for any weeds this year. There may not be any blogs for the next two weeks so stay safe, take breaks when you can and have an unusual but Happy Easter.

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