Things to put in your diary
Please note the changes to our opening hours for the Easter
Period, we would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Week Beginning 14th April 2014 Week Beginning 21st April 2014
Mon 8.45am to 7.00pm Mon Closed - Easter Monday
Tues 8.45am to 7.00pm Tues 8.45am to 5.00pm
Wed 8.45am to 7.00pm Wed 8.45am to 5.00pm
Thurs 8.45am to 7.00pm Thurs 8.45am to 5.00pm
Fri Closed - Good Friday Fri 8.45am to 5.00pm
published by SCH staff
We use Delicious to gather together articles published by Sheffield Children’s Hospital staff.
'NEW' Things: Eyes on Evidence
CT scans in childhood or adolescence and risk of cancer - A population-based cohort study in Australia
suggests that people who undergo CT scans in childhood or adolescence are at
increased risk of developing solid, lymphoid and haematopoietic cancers.
"This analysis should reinforce the legal requirement
for healthcare professionals to only perform CT in children when there is a clear patient benefit and that the
radiation dose and image quality must be optimised to be consistent with the imaging task." – Mr
Matthew Dunn, Head of Radiology Physics, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Allison Low presented
this very paper at Journal club 3rd October 2013. Her presentation
is available to view here.
Things to
The next Journal club is on Thursday 17th April 8.00 – 9.00 am where Usha Niranjan will be presenting the paper "Rapid versus standard intravenous rehydration in paediatric gastroenteritis: pragmatic blinded randomised clinical trial". Come along and join in the discussion and sample the homemade baking too.
Check the journal club webpage for more information
Things about Good Friday
- Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday
- The name may be derived from 'God's Friday'
- It is 'good' because the barrier of sin was broken
- It is traditional to eat warm 'hot cross buns' on Good Friday
- The pastry cross on top of the buns symbolises and reminds Christians of the cross that Jesus was killed on.
- The buns were traditionally eaten at breakfast time, hot from the oven.
- They were once sold by street vendors who sang a little song about them.
"Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns."
To make your own hot cross buns see this recipe