Friday, 11 April 2014

Things in the library 11 April

Things to put in your diary

Please note the changes to our opening hours for the Easter Period, we would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter.

Week Beginning 14th April 2014          Week Beginning 21st April 2014

Mon         8.45am to 7.00pm             Mon Closed - Easter Monday       
Tues         8.45am to 7.00pm            Tues         8.45am to 5.00pm
Wed         8.45am to 7.00pm            Wed         8.45am to 5.00pm
Thurs 8.45am to 7.00pm            Thurs        8.45am to 5.00pm
Fri            Closed - Good Friday          Fri         8.45am to 5.00pm

Things published by SCH staff

You may have seen this symbol on our website or at the end of our email signatures, this is the symbol for Delicious.  Delicious is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks.When you click on the Delicious icon you will be taken to our Delicious profile - illingworthinfo.

We use Delicious to gather together articles published by Sheffield Children’s Hospital staff.

To see what your colleagues are publishing click here

'NEW' Things:  Eyes on Evidence

April's edition of Eyes on Evidence has been published by NICE. It includes the following item.

CT scans in childhood or adolescence and risk of cancer  - A population-based cohort study in Australia suggests that people who undergo CT scans in childhood or adolescence are at increased risk of developing solid, lymphoid and haematopoietic cancers.

The new evidence presented is by Matthews et al and concludes:
"This analysis should reinforce the legal requirement for healthcare professionals to only perform CT in children when there is a clear patient benefit and that the radiation dose and image quality must be optimised to be consistent with the imaging task." – Mr Matthew Dunn, Head of Radiology Physics, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Allison Low presented this very paper at Journal club 3rd October 2013. Her presentation is available to view here.

Things to attend

The next Journal club is on Thursday 17th April 8.00 – 9.00 am where Usha Niranjan will be presenting the paper "Rapid versus standard intravenous rehydration in paediatric gastroenteritis: pragmatic blinded randomised clinical trial". Come along and join in the discussion and sample the homemade baking too.

Check the journal club webpage for more information

Things about Good Friday
  • Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday
  • The name may be derived from 'God's Friday'
  • It is 'good' because the barrier of sin was broken
  • It is traditional to eat warm 'hot cross buns' on Good Friday
  • The pastry cross on top of the buns symbolises and reminds Christians of the cross that Jesus was killed on.
  • The buns were traditionally eaten at breakfast time, hot from the oven. 
  • They were once sold by street vendors who sang a little song about them.
 "Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns."

To make your own hot cross buns see this recipe

Friday, 4 April 2014

Things in the library 4 April

Things we have done
Busy week again what with the end of the financial year and some staff all deciding to ask the library for help simultaneously! We pride ourselves on a quick turnaround for journal requests - most articles are supplied within 48 hours. There is a charge for this service 15p per page but many staff have an agreement to add it to a departmental account that has been set up with us. If your department doesn't do this but would like to offer this service to their staff please contact me (Gill) for details. Once a year we then send out accounts listing the charges and requesting our finance dept to arrange internal payment.

Things to help you
This week Sarah ran a drop-in session up at Ryegate and helped people with Athens access queries and advice on managing your email.
You have another chance for e-mail help on Tuesday next week at our next InfoBite session (a very popular one run by Kate) on  'Managing your email' make a note of the time now 13:00 Tuesday 8th April for 20- 30 mins - bring your lunch or sample our free cakey bites - all welcome. Reduce your inbox to a few items and get organised for increased efficiency.

Things to help us...and you
Journal Club is run by Sarah Massey and Charlie Elder and is open to all health professionals. It is a fun, informal way of learning to criticise papers and gather evidence to change practice and eat muffins! See website for details . We are currently planning dates for the Autumn season of Journal Club and would appreciate feedback from you .
 Many people struggle to attend the current days and times so if you would please fill in the short survey  Sarah can assess which ones suit the majority.

Things Autistic
If you didn't catch it this week there was an interesting BBC programme by Uta Frith 'Living with Autism', showing how people with autism perceive the world and interact with their surroundings, and how, for them, another kind of reality exists. She meets people with autism who have extraordinary talents, and explains why they often fail to understand jokes. She also explores whether many of us could be just a little bit autistic. Only available till next Wed 9th April on iPlayer here

Things to read on Autism
If you want to see what books we have on the subject then this link will show you what's on our catalogue. If you have a PIN and your library card number you can make use of extra options in our catalogue such as saving lists, reserving items, writing reviews. If you don't have a PIN email us to ask for one here using the drop down menu selection...don't forget to tell us who you are!

Things about a surgeon
One of our own Mr (the Americans were obsessed by this!) Ross Fisher bravely took part in a IAmA on reddit this week talking about paediatric surgery; life, the universe and almost everything - including giving baking advice. It makes interesting reading here - just skim over the few stupid comments (not Ross's).