Things with free access

Take Advantage of the NHS Trial Access to Essential Medical Content.
As a part of a National NHS Pilot the publisher Springer is giving all NHS employees and entitled personnel free access to Springer´s medical and health content until the 31st of October 2014.You can access 1800+ eJournals (post 1997) and 40,000+ eBook titles (post 2005) without charge or obligation
Don't have an Open Athens account yet? Sign up here.
There are also some resources from Elsevier and Nature Publishing Group included in this pilot. All the journal titles available will be listed via the Journal A-Z list
here as normal so it isn't necessary to visit the publishers websites. Any access problems please contact the library.
Things for the family
You are just 30 cm tall, don't know the alphabet and have a really sore tummy....who do you go to? Teddy Bear Hospital of course!
This Saturday, student doctors and dentists will be welcoming children and their families to the Teddy Bear Hospital in Barker's Pool. Children and their bears will have the opportunity for a one to one consultation with a teddy bear doctor which will include an "MRI scan", a look at an x-ray, having teddy bandaged and getting advice on how to stay healthy. Teddy bear dentists will also be on hand for top tips on dental health.
Teddy Bear Hospital is a Sheffield Students' Union Society which aims to reduce anxiety in children about medical treatment as well as promoting child health.
12pm - 4pm Saturday 24th May Barker's Pool, Sheffield, S1 2JA
Things next week in the library
Closed on Monday for the Bank Holiday and closing at 17:00 on Tuesday but normal hours the rest of the week.
Things in the news

You may have heard on the news today about a possible breakthrough for a vaccine against malaria. Read the scientific abstract
If you ever hear a news story on a health or science issue and want to know what it is really about then the
NHS Behind the headlines is a good place to start. It will give a summary of what the science/research is, the possible significance and a link to the reference that generated the news.
Things to dig up

Join the Department of Archaeology this Saturday 24 May for a family-friendly afternoon of demonstrations, hands-on activities and talks celebrating 50 years of Archaeology at Sheffield: Northgate House, West Street, any time during 1.30-4.30pm.Find out what the human skeleton can reveal about life and death in industrial Sheffield. Younger children can attempt the cranium jigsaw challenge and put an exploded skeleton back together again. Learn about the Department's work on the relationships between humans, plants and animals from archaeobotany and zooarchaeology specialists.There will be a crash-course in Europe's earliest writing system, talks by some our leading researchers, and an exhibition created by our undergraduate students about a Sheffield-based archaeology and community project.More information is available on the Department of Archaeology's
Things Greek

Keeping the archaeology theme Sarah is just back from a week in Greece - staying with an archaeologist friend who worked here in the Illingworth library some years ago. So I thought we should have a Greek recipe this week and Sarah has suggested 'Rooster in wine and tomato sauce' or Kokoras Krasatos .....find the recipe