Friday, 30 May 2014

Things in the library 30 May

Things flying about
If you've been watching the University of Sheffield's Peregrines on the webcam you might be interested in this on Thursday 5th June from 7.00-8.00 p.m. there will be a free public talk in St George's Church to review the 2014 story of the Peregrines (no booking required).
The talk will have contributions from Phil Riley and Jim Lonsdale (both EFM) and David Wood (SLC) on various aspects of the project, and will be preceded by a Peregrine watch in the church grounds from 6.00-7.00 p.m., weather permitting.

Things to come along to
Journal Club on F Floor Stephenson Wing will be on Tuesday 3 June at 17:30 to 18:30 as usual there will be interesting discussion in an informal setting ..with cake. The paper being discussed this week is 'Effect of Inhaled Glucocorticoids in Childhood on Adult Height'

Things to help you
You can always check our catalogue here but if you login with your library ticket number and your PIN then you can also reserve items, write reviews, create favourites and lists to refer back to - as well as renewing items if not required by other readers. If you haven't joined the library or need a PIN please contact us

Things to debate - publishing clinical trials
BMJ blog post on the topic "Is the current system for publishing clinical trials fit for purpose?" summing up the recent debate here 

Friday, 23 May 2014

Things in the library 23 May

Things with free access
Take Advantage of the NHS Trial Access to Essential Medical Content.
As a part of a National NHS Pilot the publisher Springer is giving all NHS employees and entitled personnel free access to Springer´s medical and health content until the 31st of October 2014.You can access 1800+ eJournals (post 1997) and 40,000+ eBook titles (post 2005) without charge or obligation
Don't have an Open Athens account yet? Sign up here
There are also some resources from Elsevier and Nature Publishing Group included in this pilot. All the journal titles available will be listed via the Journal A-Z list here as normal so it isn't necessary to visit the publishers websites. Any access problems please contact the library.

Things for the family
You are just 30 cm tall, don't know the alphabet and have a really sore tummy....who do you go to?  Teddy Bear Hospital of course!
This Saturday, student doctors and dentists will be welcoming children and their families to the Teddy Bear Hospital in Barker's Pool. Children and their bears will have the opportunity for a one to one consultation with a teddy bear doctor which will include an "MRI scan", a look at an x-ray, having teddy bandaged and getting advice on how to stay healthy. Teddy bear dentists will also be on hand for top tips on dental health.
Teddy Bear Hospital is a Sheffield Students' Union Society which aims to reduce anxiety in children about medical treatment as well as promoting child health.
12pm - 4pm Saturday 24th May Barker's Pool, Sheffield, S1 2JA

Things next week in the library
Closed on Monday for the Bank Holiday and closing at 17:00 on Tuesday but normal hours the rest of the week.

Things in the news
You may have heard on the news today about a possible breakthrough for a vaccine against malaria. Read the scientific abstract here 

If you ever hear a news story on a health or science issue and want to know what it is really about then the NHS Behind the headlines is a good place to start. It will give a summary of what the science/research is, the possible significance and a link to the reference that generated the news.

Things to dig up
Join the Department of Archaeology this Saturday 24 May for a family-friendly afternoon of demonstrations, hands-on activities and talks celebrating 50 years of Archaeology at Sheffield: Northgate House, West Street, any time during 1.30-4.30pm.Find out what the human skeleton can reveal about life and death in industrial Sheffield. Younger children can attempt the cranium jigsaw challenge and put an exploded skeleton back together again. Learn about the Department's work on the relationships between humans, plants and animals from archaeobotany and zooarchaeology specialists.There will be a crash-course in Europe's earliest writing system, talks by some our leading researchers, and an exhibition created by our undergraduate students about a Sheffield-based archaeology and community project.More information is available on the Department of Archaeology's website

Things Greek
Keeping the archaeology theme Sarah is just back from a week in Greece - staying with an archaeologist friend who worked here in the Illingworth library some years ago. So I thought we should have a Greek recipe this week and Sarah has suggested 'Rooster in wine and tomato sauce' or Kokoras Krasatos .....find the recipe here

Friday, 16 May 2014

Things in the library 16 May

Things to read
NICE Quality Standard (QS62) covers the diagnosis and management of idiopathic constipation in children and young people (from birth to 18 years) you can read or download it here

The Department of Health has published its response to the Health Working Group Report on Child Sexual Exploitation read it here

Things we did
Our Infobites session this last week on literature searching and constructing a clinical questions was well attended. Don't forget that if you work here you can book a 1 to 1 session for training on how to conduct a literature search  or you can ask us to search for you, more information here

Things counting down
The King's Fund are counting down to next year's general election with an infographic exploring key facts and figures around public satisfaction with the NHS.

Things from Cochrane
An editorial published this week entitled 'Preventing otitis media with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: more data than certainty?' which can be read here

Things to celebrate

The University of Sheffield, across the road, has been voted 1st in theTimes Higher Student Experience Survey 

Children with co-ordination difficulties learnt to ride a bike for the first time thanks to a remarkable bike riding group set up by physiotherapists at Ryegate Childrens Centre find out more here

...and on a personal note Monday is my (Gill's) 35th wedding anniversary!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Things in the library 9 May

Things to use
Recent paediatric systematic reviews are sent to me via a notification from TRIP Database (see below). Although you don't need to register to use TRIP, if you do it is helps you keep up to date with new research based on your clinical speciality and/or specific topics of interest. Each month, they identify new content focused on your interests and email these to you.
SCH is registered with TRIP so you can easily access your institution’s full-text via TRIP and your OpenAthens account. Many clinicians find it useful to keep a record of their activity  on TRIP. This may be for CPD/CME purposes or simple curiosity. You can also sign in with Twitter or Facebook if you like to link your resources.

Things to read

Recent paediatric systematic reviews (see above) are listed below - if you highlight and copy the title you are interested in and search for it in Google you should find it - please ask us if you need help.
  • Developing and evaluating a child-centered intervention for diabetes medicine management using mixed methods and a multicolored randomised controlled trial (2014). NIHR HTA Programme.
  • Effect of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014). DARE.
  • Ivacaftor for the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis and the G551D mutation: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis . (2014). NIHR HTA Programme.
  • Nonpharmacological interventions for ADHD: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of dietary and psychological treatments. (2013). DARE.
  • Parents’ experiences and views of caring for a child with a tracheostomy: a literature review. (2013). DARE.
  • Structured, intensive education maximising engagement, motivation and long-term change for children and young people with diabetes: a cluster randomised controlled trial with integral process and economic evaluation the CASCADE study. (2014). NIHR HTA Programme.
  • The cost-effectiveness of clinic-based chloral hydrate sedation versus general anaesthesia for paediatric ophthalmological procedures. (2014). Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database.
Things to download
From September 2013 the print version of the BNF will be distributed by NICE annually instead of every 6 months so the next print copy will therefore be distributed in September 2014. The British National Formulary for children (BNFC) will continue to be distributed annually.
Many clinicians are choosing to access the BNF in digital formats. NICE's BNF and BNFC apps and BNF and BNFC content on NICE Evidence are updated monthly, unlike the print version, making them the easiest way to keep up-to-date. The apps available on smartphones and tablets can be used conveniently without an internet connection. In order to access these you need a NHS OpenAthens account available here
Things to come along to
Journal Club is on Thursday 15th May  at 8.00-9.00  in the Clinical Skills Facility F Floor Stephenson Wing  -the paper presented for discussion this week is
"Use of macrolides in mother and child and risk of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis" 
Article accessible here
Journal Club is open to all health professionals in SCH and is a fun, informal way of learning to criticise papers and gather evidence to change practice.At each meeting a speaker presents a critical appraisal of a research paper,  using a recognised appraisal tool such as CASP or the GATE frame.Group members then have an informal discussion to determine whether or not current practice should be altered in light of the presenter's findings. If you do not get a chance to read the paper do not worry just come along.
Muffins and drinks are provided at every meeting.

Things in which to indulge
Yummy cake recipe this week 'Cookies and cream fudge brownies'

Friday, 2 May 2014

Things in the library 2 May

Hope you didn't miss us too much over the last couple of weeks but thought we'd better get another blog in before the next Bank Holiday.

Things to try for free
Clinical Key are offering a two week free trial to their Elsevier paediatric resources (8 journals and 26 books) . If you try it out do let the library know your opinion of it. When we have trialed similar things in the past there has not been enough interest to justify the expense of purchasing. Tell us your views...

Things to buy
We currently have a book sale in the library - mostly texts we replaced with new editions but some great bargains available. First come first served - please note book sales cannot take place within 30 mins of closing time. Please ask at the counter to browse the books.

Things we've done
Every year at this time we count up things we have done in the last year. We now have 34% of SCH staff registered with us in the library; we have loaned books 5366 times; conducted 108 literature searches with feedback received of 91% excellent for this service; supplied 1162 articles (request form here) and our e-prompt current awareness service now has 131 subscribers. 
But so far we only have 10 likes on like us to keep in touch.

Things published
The RCPCH have this week published their report 'Why Children Die: death in infants, children and young people in the UK' and their policy response to the report read the full text here or via the links in our library catalogue

Things to do with the city
Organised by University of Sheffield -talks and events about Sheffield and beyond during May and June. In The City is a celebration and exploration of urban existence, heritage, and experience, with a variety of themes including modernist housing, forgotten places, activism, musical heritage and personal narratives. Alongside contributions from academics and others based in Sheffield, will be those from acclaimed writers, thinkers and artists include John Grindrod, Anne C Fogarty, Iain Sinclair, WJT Mitchell, Desiree Reynolds, and Tristram Hunt MP, amongst many others.Most events in this series are free. Check out the programme here

Unwanted things in the library
I was rather startled to find I had a companion in the office on Wednesday evening..thanks to help from Facilities and PGME it was herded out again leaving only one feather..and one small deposit. A fellow librarian related a tale of a pigeon getting into his library and dropping down behind a bookcase leading to dismantling of the furniture so I reckon I got off lightly.

Things noisy and/or hot
Due to being situated right next to the building site on Damer Street I'm sorry that the library is so noisy at the moment, unfortunately if we close all the doors and windows everyone tends to overheat - so it's a difficult balance to try to get right. Which is obviously how the pigeon got in...

Things to eat
Should be pigeon pie but instead how about this 'Moroccan chicken and almond filo pie whichSarah made recently- recipe here