Friday, 31 July 2015

Things in the library 31 July

Things about wellbeing
Emotional wellbeing toolkitA new toolkit on emotional wellbeing, How are you feeling NHS? has been launched to support employers create mentally healthy workplaces for staff. The toolkit aims to open conversations around how employees are feeling and help managers gain a better understanding of their own and their staff’s mental health

Things for new doctors
The Illingworth LibraryIf you have doctors on rotation joining you next week please remember to tell them about the library...and that it isn't just a physical space with books but a service for all SCH staff our services include training on literature searching, supplying articles, journal club (aka muffin club), a automatic current awareness service for specialties and courses including critical appraisal. For full details check out our webpages

Woodland TrustThings to do during the summer holidays
Some fun ideas from the Woodland Trust

Things about coping with crying 
An article in the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education outlines the NSPCC's new Coping with Crying programme. Coping with Crying is a psycho-educational film that raises awareness about the risks of shaking babies, improves parental understanding about crying and promotes the use of positive coping strategies.

Things digital and children 
New book in the library
We have just bought a book called Mental health in the digital age: Grave dangers. Great Promise
Shelved at WM 176 (M) and ready for loan

Parenting for a digital future: Finnish imaginaries and realities

LSE have an interesting blog on Parenting for a digital future it is aimed at those :

  • with a personal responsibility: parents and carers, grandparents or other relatives and mentors.
  •  with a direct professional responsibility: teachers, informal educators, childcare professionals, clinicians, social workers, etc.
  •  who advise or have responsibility for supporting parents, whether formally or informally: journalists, parenting experts and advisers, parent bloggers, media regulators, policy-makers.
  •  with a research interest in parenting, families and digital media: students and academics from diverse disciplines, think tanks and other research bodies
Things about Melanoma
New guideline from NICE covers the assessment and management of melanoma (a type of skin cancer) in children, young people and adults. It aims to reduce variation in practice and improve survival. 

Things about effective education & training in quality & safety in healthcare

Health Education England’s Commission on Education and Training for Patient Safety has invited Imperial College London to collect evidence and review current education and training, to identify best practice and help make recommendations for the future to improve healthcare quality and safety.
 They want to hear from individuals including patients and health staff from all levels and disciplines, as well as experts and organisations with an interest in improving the quality and safety of healthcare through education and training. Share your feedback here

Things custardy 
Portuguese custard tarts
I recently enjoyed watching Nigel Slater's series Eating Together and these Portuguese custard tarts look scrummy and remind me of holidays. Any recipe that has the instruction 'allow to become scorched' has to one for me to make!

Friday, 17 July 2015

Things in the library 17 July

Things about allergies 
Since December 2014, takeaways have had to join other types of food business in providing accurate information on the allergens in their food, but many are still failing to do so. Recently RSPH  found that " In a mystery dining investigation, we found that over two thirds (70%) of takeaways [sample 65] appeared to be flouting the law by not providing information in the right way. Over half (54%) did not know whether one of the major allergens was in their food. Worryingly, four in five (80%) did not appear to have system in place to ensure the information they are providing is accurate and verifiable, with nine in ten unable to evidence this when requested. Takeaways mainly serving fried chicken performed the worst: none of the outlets appeared to have a record of major allergens in their dishes or a notice to tell customer where to get information and four in five (80%) could not tell us whether one of the major allergens was in a meal."

Things about depression in children & young people 

uk Medicines InformationNorth West Medicines Information Centre have produced a summary on the prescribing guidelines from NICE in their NICE Bites series

Things on staffing levels
A new overarching regulator will work with the chief nursing officer on safe staffing guidance, with their recommendations vetted by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Jeremy Hunt has announced.In a major speech on the future of the NHS, the health secretary said this morning that there could be “no compromise” on safe staffing. His comments come in the wake of the controversial decision by NHS England to halt NICE’s own programme of safe staffing guidance, which was recommended by the Francis report, and produce its own instead under the stewardship of CNO for England Jane Cummings.

Things about activity
Impact of physical activity and diet on health can be found here. It's main conclusions are that "For too long, physical activity has been seen merely in the light of its benefits in tackling obesity. However, there is compelling evidence that physical activity in its own right has huge health benefits totally independent of a person’s weight – in fact research recently published suggested that increasing physical activity levels could have greater impact on reducing mortality than reducing weight." ...."We recommend that the Government, Public Health England and health professionals, in particular GPs, to take urgent action to communicate this crucial message to the public."

Things about food 
The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) was asked by the Department of Health and the Food Standards Agency to examine the latest evidence on the links between consumption of carbohydrates, sugars, starch and fibre and a range of health outcomes. In their report they find that:

  • High levels of sugar consumption are associated with a greater risk of tooth decay.
  • The higher the proportion of sugar in the diet, the greater the risk of high energy intake.
  • Drinking high-sugar beverages results in weight gain and increases in BMI in teenagers and children.
  • Consuming too many high-sugar beverages increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

In light of these findings, SACN recommends that:

  • Free sugars should account for no more than 5% daily dietary energy intake.The term free sugars is adopted, replacing the terms Non Milk Extrinsic Sugars (NMES) and added sugars. Free sugars are those added to food or those naturally present in honey, syrups and unsweetened fruit juices, but exclude lactose in milk and milk products.
  • The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g. fizzy drinks, soft drinks and squash) should be minimised by both children and adults.

Food for thought report coverThe 'Food for thought' report from the BMA sets out the measures needed to help promote healthier diets among children and young people. In the UK, the traditional public health challenges of undernutrition and unsafe food and water have been largely replaced by the risks of poor diet.
"We should not tolerate that the next generation is growing up with the normality of regularly consuming processed and fast-food, or that there are children who have no concept of where their food comes from. Central to this is creating an environment where it is normal, easy and enjoyable for children and young people to eat healthily."

Things about Quality Improvement
Just published by Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) is A guide to quality improvement methods . The aspects that make up the definition of 'Quality' can be seen in this diagram from the report.
Illingworth Library is regularly asked by clinicians to conduct literature searches for the best possible evidence to support all aspects of quality, if you want help from us please contact us.
You might also want to apply to be a Microsystems coach for the trust to help teams in the Trust meet their potential? Contact Jude Stone for that.

Things Spanish
Cordoba (c) Gill Kaye 2015
Patatas bravasFollowing on from my recent holiday in Spain (temp 44C in Cordoba and the Spanish TV were interviewing the locals to see how they were not much hope for a pale northerner!) I thought I had better choose a tapas dish for this week's recipe - this Patatas Bravas was a favourite

Friday, 10 July 2015

things in the library 10 jul

Things in and around the library

Opening hours - Back to normal this week

Infobites - Reference Management sofware
20 minute session on what this is and how to use it. Examples are Endnote & Menderley. 1pm prompt in the library. cakey bites supplied and you can bring your lunch to eat if you wish

Journal Club 
next Wednesday 15th Jul 5.30 - 6.30 pm
Paper: Patterns of bruising in preschool children—a longitudinal study
Arch Dis Child 2015;100:426-431  Find the paper here
Presenter: Karen Arnold
Muffins: of course!

If you work for SCH please email the library if you want a copy of the article.

Upcoming things

Child Health and Well-being: Strengthening Health Visiting Services Beyond 2015
Date:Tuesday 14th July 2015   10:15am — 4:30pm  Grange Wellington Hotel, London
this timely symposium offers an invaluable opportunity for local authorities, health practitioners and other key stakeholders to review the Health Visitor Programme 2011-15, and explore how to effectively commission and deliver health visiting services beyond 2015 to ensure every child receives the best start in life. Follow on Twitter or download the brochure

Published things
Depression in children and young people  NICE CG28; 2005 (updated 2015)
NICE bites : (A summary of prescribing recommendations from NICE guidance)  This guideline covers the identification and treatment of depression in children (aged 5 to 11 years) and young people (12 to 18 years) in primary, community and secondary care. You can read it here.

Obtaining things :Journal article requests
If you email the library asking us to obtain a journal article please make sure you address your email to and not to personal staff email addresses.
We are now entering holiday time so your request may be delayed if not sent to the library email address.

cakey things you might find at our Infobite or Journal club sessions. 

Skinny Fudgy-Cakey Beetroot Brownie Bites. They’re soft, fluffy, moist, flavorful, and bite-sized. They are neither “fudgy” nor “cakey”, but a delicious hybrid of both. Find the recipe here.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Things in the library 3 jul

Things in and around the library

Opening hours 
Monday 6th & Wednesday 8th  closing at 5pm

Care quality things 
Children and young people's survey 2014. This is the first national children’s survey conducted by CQC. It represents the experiences of nearly 19,000 children and young people who received inpatient or day case care in 137 acute NHS trusts in 2014
Overall, children and their parents or carers reported good experiences of care. The majority of children and young people said they were happy with the care they received, felt safe while on wards, thought staff did everything possible to control their pain and they understood the information given to them by staff. Read the report here

A sniff of things to come - a test for autism
The way children sniff different aromas could form the basis of a test for autism, suggest researchers in Israel.People spend longer inhaling the delightful aroma of a bouquet of roses than the foul stench of rotting fish. The results of tests on 36 children, in the journal Current Biology, showed that there appeared to be no such difference in children with autism. The National Autistic Society said smell could eventually become an additional tool for testing for autism.  see the article here

hot and bothered things - all of us! 
NHS Choices has advice about heat exhaustion and heat stroke. check it out here.

things showing cost
Packets of prescription medication will display how much their contents have cost taxpayers, under government plans. The figure and the words "funded by the UK taxpayer" will be added to all packs costing more than £20 in England. see the BBC News report here

Things to keep you cool - Sorbet fizz
not just a drink but a dessert too.
Watch the tennis and have tis version of strawberries and cream!