Things about wellbeing
A new toolkit on emotional wellbeing, How are you feeling NHS? has been launched to support employers create mentally healthy workplaces for staff. The toolkit aims to open conversations around how employees are feeling and help managers gain a better understanding of their own and their staff’s mental health
Things for new doctors
If you have doctors on rotation joining you next week please remember to tell them about the library...and that it isn't just a physical space with books but a service for all SCH staff our services include training on literature searching, supplying articles, journal club (aka muffin club), a automatic current awareness service for specialties and courses including critical appraisal. For full details check out our webpages
Things to do during the summer holidays
Some fun ideas from the Woodland Trust
Things about coping with crying
An article in the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education outlines the NSPCC's new Coping with Crying programme. Coping with Crying is a psycho-educational film that raises awareness about the risks of shaking babies, improves parental understanding about crying and promotes the use of positive coping strategies.
Things digital and children
New book in the library
We have just bought a book called Mental health in the digital age: Grave dangers. Great Promise
Shelved at WM 176 (M) and ready for loanLSE have an interesting blog on Parenting for a digital future it is aimed at those :
- with a personal responsibility: parents and carers, grandparents or other relatives and mentors.
- with a direct professional responsibility: teachers, informal educators, childcare professionals, clinicians, social workers, etc.
- who advise or have responsibility for supporting parents, whether formally or informally: journalists, parenting experts and advisers, parent bloggers, media regulators, policy-makers.
- with a research interest in parenting, families and digital media: students and academics from diverse disciplines, think tanks and other research bodies
Things about Melanoma
New guideline from NICE covers the assessment and management of melanoma (a type of skin cancer) in children, young people and adults. It aims to reduce variation in practice and improve survival.
Things about effective education & training in quality & safety in healthcare
Health Education England’s Commission on Education and Training for Patient Safety has invited Imperial College London to collect evidence and review current education and training, to identify best practice and help make recommendations for the future to improve healthcare quality and safety.
They want to hear from individuals including patients and health staff from all levels and disciplines, as well as experts and organisations with an interest in improving the quality and safety of healthcare through education and training. Share your feedback here
Things custardy
I recently enjoyed watching Nigel Slater's series Eating Together and these Portuguese custard tarts look scrummy and remind me of holidays. Any recipe that has the instruction 'allow to become scorched' has to one for me to make!