To coincide with Deaf Awareness Week, Childline has launched a video for deaf or hard of hearing children and young people to explain the Childline SignVideo Service as well as using sign language to discuss different types of abuse. Young people can download an app to contact Childline through a British Sign Language (BSL) SignVideo service. The young person then signs to the SignVideo interpreter who, in turn, contacts a Childline counsellor on their behalf. This service is available Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm.
Things about obesity...
The report Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002–2014 presents the latest trends in obesity, eating behaviours, physical activity and sedentary behaviour from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study, and highlights gender and socioeconomic inequalities across the WHO European Region.
Trends have previously been reported separately, but this report brings together for the first time HBSC data on obesity and obesity-related behaviours to review the latest evidence and consider the range and complexity of factors influencing childhood obesity.
Things about social media...
The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and the Young Health Movement have published a new report, #StatusOfMind, examining the positive and negative effects of social media on young people’s health.
The report includes a league table of social media platforms according to their impact on young people’s mental health. YouTube tops the table as the most positive with Instagram and Snapchat coming out as the most detrimental to young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
RSPH and the Young Health Movement are calling for action from government, social media companies and policy makers to help promote the positive aspects of social media for young people, whilst mitigating the potential negatives. These recommendations include:
- Introduction of a pop-up heavy usage warning on social media – include the support from young people for each of these recommendations
- Social media platforms to identify users who could be suffering from mental health problems by their posts, and discretely signpost to support
- Social media platforms to highlight when photos of people have been digitally manipulated
Things from Royal College of Nursing...
At RCN Congress 2016 child mental health was debated. Members expressed concern about the current state of children and young people’s mental health across the UK. They have now published 'Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Key Facts' which calls for a range of actions in relation to these concerns and highlights examples of good practice.
School nurses and health visitors are at the forefront of providing care to children and young people, but The Best Start: The Future of Children's Health shows that there has been a significant decline in school nurses and an emerging trend of reductions in the health visiting workforce. It outlines the context to the changes being made to these essential services, and to a workforce vital to the delivery of healthy life chances for all children and families.
Things to do this weekend... Back for its seventh year, Sheffield Food Festival returns to the city centre this Spring Bank Holiday, running from Saturday 27th – Monday 29th May. Events for children and adults including 'Food for thought' - a thought and action provoking programme of short talks and workshops in the Winter Gardens from 4pm – 6pm on each day of the Food Festival. In addition street food, artisan markets and chef demonstrations.
Things to eat...
With the new season of strawberries arriving in the shops and Wimbledon just around the corner I thought this Strawberry & mint granita looked simple and refreshing.