Things changing a bit...
From now on the blog will be published once a month, on the last Friday of each month, giving you a bumper blog full of things we think you might want to know.
Things about NHS libraries...
13th-17th June is NHS Library & Knowledge Services Awareness Week. We think we're pretty great of course, and we hope that if we have helped you to find evidence, to organise your emails, to find an article that you just can't find anywhere, to reference that weird document, or to find that blue and white book that you saw last year but can't remember what it's called or who it's by - that maybe you think we're great too!
Things about health inequalities...
The Health Foundation and the Association for Young People's Health have mapped the inequalities experienced by young people from different groups. People aged 10-25 in the poorest areas of the UK will die earlier than their peers in the least deprived areas, and will live 18 more years with ill health. Rachael McKeown says:"Young people growing up in deprived areas are less likely to have access to resources and support that allow them to live healthy lives. They are more likely to live in overcrowded housing, with limited access to the space and tools needed to exercise, learn and look after their health. Because they may experience transitions in all of these areas during their teens, adolescence is a defining period for young people’s health. Inequalities between individuals and groups can become established and embedded at this time."
Things about health visiting...
The NSPCC has published a news story looking at health visiting services in England and calling on the government to ensure all families receive the five face-to-face health visits they’re entitled to. Findings from analysis of Public Health England data include: in 2021, 19% of babies didn’t receive their 12-month health visitor review by the time they were 15-months-old. 25 organisations, including the NSPCC, have written to the government in an open letter calling for the rebuilding of the health visiting service and highlighting the importance of checks in identifying and supporting new parents experiencing or at risk of mental health problems.
Things about nurses...
The BBC has reported that nearly half of the new nurses and midwives registered to work in the UK in the past year have come from abroad. More than 23,000 nurses and midwives have been recruited from abroad, a record high, with most coming from India and the Philippines. It is hoped that the number of new nurses in the UK will keep increasing - the overall number of nurses currently in training has started to rise after the reintroduction of some funding support for student nurses in England in 2020, three years after bursaries were scrapped.
Things to make...I have some béchamel sauce to use up this weekend, so being from Teesside OF COURSE I have to make myself a parmo. Most of the time I eat vegetarian but the parmo is one thing I make an exception for because heritage is important. This recipe is from North East Recipes, though I have to take exception to a parmo being listed under 'Geordie recipes'! It looks horrible, it's about as unhealthy as you can get, but it tastes just like heaven (or, 2am in a kebab shop in Middlesbrough).